Wednesday, January 12, 2011

TB and Nutrition

[two stories from two different articles]

As a young man, Gayelord Hauser was diagnosed with tuberculosis of the hip, which, in the early part of the 20th century, was a death sentence. With conventional medicine offering no hope, and virtually nothing to lose, he went to see a monk in Switzerland who was known for his teachings of health via herbs and living foods. The monk devised a nutritional program (eating over 30 lemons a day) for Hauser which most definitely extended his life. Cured of tuberculosis, Hauser set out to share this miracle with the rest of the world. He started with one-on-one consultations in Chicago, but his following grew so fast and wide, he began lecturing, traveling speaking to classrooms and auditoriums filled with eager, hungry people about the value of NATURAL FOODS.


Macfadden was a self-taught fitness guru. As a teenager, he had cured his own tuberculosis through a radical exercise and diet regimen. After founding Physical Culture, the most prominent advertisement for promoting his methods was his own powerful physique, which he would strip down to display at a moment’s notice. (Time magazine, which in its early years covered Macfadden like In Touch stalks Angelina Jolie, nicknamed him “Body Love” Macfadden.) He thought Americans ate too much and exercised too little, and he tried to set an example by walking 20 miles to his office each morning and avoiding food entirely on Mondays.

--unorthodox and probably not the best methods of self-medication...but it seemed to have worked for them!

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