Some suggestions for reviewing the class from previous TAs.
o Biology
of disease, symptoms, pathogenesis, reproduction, etc.?
o What
kind of organism causes it?
o How
is it transmitted? (direct, waterborne,
vector, what vector?)
o Can
we treat this disease, how? Is it curable? Preventable?
o How
does this disease affect humans? What
kind of host are we for it?
o How
does ecology of host affect transmission, what happens when this ecology
Use the Glossary to review the terms covered and
their definitions.
You are responsible for all terms in the
glossary that we covered in class, (I took a quick look and the only terms I see that we didn't cover this year are Endogenous retrovirus and retrovirus, plus Hantavirus
cardiopulmonary syndrome and Hantavirus 'sin nombre'.
Think about the context in which we learned each
term: what disease were we studying? What concepts in epidemiology or ecology
were we discussing? What other diseases does the term relate to?
Review how diseases relate to the theme of the
week in which they were covered. Do any diseases relate to themes covered in other weeks, how so?
Refer back to the Short Answer section of the
Midterm and the quizzes to review concepts.
Are there any diagrams used in lecture or
reading which demonstrate and relate concepts?
Create a timeline to review when disease
outbreaks and scientific discoveries happened, and when people were doing their
work. More than specific dates, focus on
reviewing the context in which events/people were working, and when they were
working relative to other’s work and other historical events.