Thursday, January 10, 2008

Giant Microbes

This is just something fun I thought I would post.
It is a link to the Giant Microbes online store where you can buy stuffed animals of various microbes such as Herpes, Ebola, and TB. I have about 10 that I have collected over the years and they are sitting on my desk with me right now. My stuffed Ebola actually inspired me to write one of my papers on Ebola last quarter. They provide interesting information on the tags and are really cute stuffed animals. Also, when you give one of them as a gift you get the opportunity of saying "I gave my roommate Chlamydia for Christmas!".


  1. They're pretty funny. I've been tempted by the ebola virus for a while (or the algae because it makes me laugh). My dog would love them, but I keep him in cuddly toys by donating money to the World Wildlife Fund. If you donate $50 you can choose from a huge range of amusing stuffed animals. It makes for an expensive dog toy but it's for a good cause.
    Scooter (the dog) got the meerkats in the post yesterday. One of them already needed an emergency meerkat re-stuffing......

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