Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Cholera in Baghdad, Iraq

This is an interesting article on Cholera that I read last quarter in late November about the fear of a possible large outbreak of Cholera in Baghdad. Baghdad accounts for 79% of all new Cholera cases with up to 101 cases with the majority reported within the last 3 week of when this article was written. Currently the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is providing water purification tablets and rehydration salts for families and safe water to the most affected areas while asking Iraq's government to clean water storage tanks.

Here's the link if anyone is interested.

1 comment:

  1. There's a couple on interesting news reports on this you can see on YouTube if you search on Iraq and Cholera (I'd link but I don't know if you can do that in the comments). It's particularly interesting to compare the reports by Al Jazeera (Half of Iraq hit by cholera - 04 Oct 07) with the report by the BBC (CHOLERA OUTBREAK IN IRAQ), essentially reporting the same story but with a very different tone.
