Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Viral Chatter

Virus hunter Nathan Wolfe is outwitting the next pandemic by staying two steps ahead: discovering deadly new viruses where they first emerge -- passing from animals to humans among poor subsistence hunters in Africa -- before they claim millions of lives.

Check out Nathan Wolfe's talk at the 2009 TED conference. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) invite some of the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, and challenge them to give the talk of their lives. The best talks and performances are available on their website. You should all check out this talk, it is very interesting, very well presented and hugely relevant to this class.

There's also a New Yorker article from 2010 that covers Nathan Wolfe's work:

Sandrine had just finished preparing the meat for dinner. I asked her if she understood how risky it was to plunge her hands into the intestines of a dead monkey. “Yes,” she said. “I know that bushmeat is dangerous. That it can kill my children.” She was also aware that there had been an outbreak of Ebola recently in Congo. I wondered whether she or her husband had ever seen dead monkeys or gorillas in the forest. She nodded, gazing at the dark foliage as night began to fall. “What did you do when you saw them?” I asked. She turned to me and smiled. “I thanked God, picked them up, and brought them home for dinner,” she said.

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