Saturday, July 23, 2011


The report of the 30 June - 1 July meeting of the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) report has been released. Although affirming that polio eradication can be achieved in the near-term, the IMB states that 'this will not happen if things continue as they are'. 

You can read the latest about the global battle to eradicate polio at the Global Eradication Initiative website.

For a contrary view check out this New York Times article about Polio eradication that contains some interesting comments about Bill Gates funding for the initiative in particular:

The effort has now cost $9 billion, and each year consumes another $1 billion. By contrast, the 14-year drive to wipe out smallpox cost only $500 million in today’s dollars. 

“Bill Gates’s obsession with polio is distorting priorities in other ... areas. Global health does not depend on polio eradication.” 

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