Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cholera - next stop Chad and the Ivory Coast

Heavy rains in a number of African countries bring the threat of Cholera;

Rainy season to worsen Chad cholera outbreak - Oxfam
A cholera outbreak that has killed more than 100 people in Chad could worsen this June as the rainy season starts in the Central African country, Oxfam warned on Wednesday.

The Chadian government says only 0.6 percent of the country’s households use improved latrines, while 88 percent of people defecate in the open. There is no garbage collection system in villages, while in towns waste water disposal and storm drainage systems are nearly nonexistent.
UNICEF responds to cholera outbreak in Ivory Coast
 Following the confirmation of 10 cases of cholera in the Koumassi district of Abidjan, Ivory Coast, UNICEF has provided medical supplies to local health authorities to treat up to 1,000 patients infected with the disease and kits with soap, chlorine, and water treatment products for 400,000 people.

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