Thursday, March 10, 2011

Culling Chickens as a Result of Avian Influenza Outbreak in India

After an outbreak of Avian Influenza in India veterinatires. In Tripura in a state-owned poultry farm in Ganhigram, veterinarians started to cull their chickens. This farm is one of the main breeding centers and it has a capacity of around 7,000 chickens.

Samples were sent to the High Security Animal Disease Laboratory in Bhopal after 380 birds died between March 1 and March 4. The samples tested for HIN5.

The culling is going to continue for the next few days in order. They people in charge of the poultry farm announced that they still have 1,400 Japanese peahens and 20,000 eggs that have to be dumped. Also the poultry in the surrounding 10 Km would be culled as well.

This is not the first time this outbreak has occurred in India. The last time there was an outbreak was in 2006.

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