Friday, February 11, 2011

Why is there such stigma attached to HIV/AIDS?
  • Strong reactions because it is a life threatening disease.
  • HIV infection is assumed to be the result of personal irresponsibility.
  • Can be infected sexually which often has moral connotations.
  • There are a lot of misconceptions about the disease leading to irrational behavior and confusion over who is at risk.
  • It is often associated with already stigmatized subsets of the population (homosexuals, drug users, etc).
  • Religious beliefs that may lead some people to think that acquisition of the disease is a moral punishment for sins.
The Repercussions of this stigmatization:
  • Loss of income/livelihood
  • Loss of reputation/ pride in oneself
  • Loss of hope & feelings of worthlessness in infected individuals.
  • Withdrawal of caregiving in the home.
  • Poor or unequal acccess to proper health care.
  • Dissolution of marriage/ problems bearing children

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