Friday, February 25, 2011

office hours survey

I was contacted by some researchers at UCSB that want to do a survey of student attendance in office hours. If you want to participate, I'm copying the email and the link below. You are in no way required or expected to participate, and if you do it is anonymous.

My student group (Community Research Group @ UCSB) and I are working on research investigating how office hour attendance is related to undergraduates' grades. EEMB 40 was selected as part of the random sample for this project. It would be extremely helpful to us if you could take 3 minutes (it really is that quick) to fill out the survey and to forward the undergraduate-specific version (also extremely brief) to the students in this class. If you would like to see the content of the undergraduate survey, just open the link below. Of course, all responses are collected anonymously.

Please forward this address to the undergraduate students in this class via email:

We hope this project will demonstrate the importance of office hours to undergraduate success, and illuminate factors that prevent students from attending. If you have any questions about any part of the research (or about Community Research Group), please feel free to contact me.

Community Research Group is an undergraduate-run research team advised by Dr. Paolo Gardinalli (UCSB Social Science Survey Center).

Thank you for your participation!

Ilya Altshteyn
President | 858.349.9773

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