Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Malaria Action Plan

"I believe that if you show people a problem, and then you show them the solution, they will be moved to act. The Global Malaria Action Plan lays out an achievable blueprint for fighting malaria – now it's time for the world to take action." Bill Gates, Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The Roll Back Malaria (RB M) Partnership has developed the Global Malaria Action Plan (GMAP) to provide a global framework for action around which partners can coordinate their efforts. It consolidates the collective input of 30 endemic countries and regions, 65 international institutions and 250 experts from a wide range of fields.

The GMAP outlines the RBM Partnership’s vision for a substantial and sustained reduction in the burden of malaria in the near and mid-term, and the eventual global eradication of malaria in the long term, when new tools make eradication possible.

You can further information at the RBM website including a lot of information on the Global Malaria action Plan and some interesting videos.

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