Monday, January 11, 2010

Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS

Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS are both well-known killers, but when the two epidemics meet, the results are devastating: TB is the number one cause of death for people suffering from HIV. This is a particularly pressing issue in third world countries, where HIV has struck the hardest. CREATE, or the Consortium to Respond Effectively to the AIDS/TB Epidemic, aims to revolutionize global policy regarding the epidemic by presenting scientific evidence gathered from studies in Zambia, Brazil and South Africa. The following videos offer insights into the study in South Africa, the perspectives of the patients involved, and the HIV/TB epidemic itself.

The CREATE videos reflect an attitude of urgency and concern toward the tuberculosis epidemic, but it is interesting to note that tuberculosis is hardly, if at all, mentioned in Western media. As Dr. Alison Grant puts it, "TB control is something which should concern everybody. Infectious diseases don't respect national boundaries."

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