Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Choose your own apocalypse

Slate online magazine has been having an entertaining series of articles on how America might end - 'a week long though experiment on the United States' demise.'

This is quite entertaining and one article contains an impressively thorough list of 144 possible scenarios - several of which are disease related.

They also have a 'Choose your own Apocalypse' interactive feature that lets you select your most likely scenarios. This is all (vaguely) relevant to class because once you pick your scenarios you get to see what the top apocalypse scenarios are. Antibiotic resistance - our next topic is one of the top picks. Of course this is all very unscientific and most people probably picked the entertaining options (my top pick was 'Robot Overlords') but there is some food for thought there. Nevertheless I think I'll tag this 'humor'.

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