Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pandemic: The Board Game

“Pandemic” is a co-operative board game in which players take on roles to prevent the world from being wiped out by four unknown diseases. The players must utilize their strengths and work together to prevent massive outbreaks. The players include a Medic, a Scientist, a Researcher, an Operations Specialist, and a Dispatcher. Together, they must build research stations, find cures, and slow the spread of the diseases.

A review of this game can be found here:


  1. I think it is particularly interesting that this is a is a 'cooperative game' either the players all win, or nobody does.

  2. There is a similar game online:

    Except in this game you actually try to cause pandemics. I came across it before I took this class and it's a lot more interesting now that I know some more about how diseases evolve and mutate.

  3. Is that the one where it is really hard to get Madagascar infected? Come the zombie apocalypse or bioterrorist attack I know where I'm headed.....
