Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Presidents Malaria Initiative

Workers trained in Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) march on World Malaria Day in Agoro Sare, Kenya.
Source: James Kei/The Standard

"Americans are a compassionate people who care deeply about the plight of others and the future of our world, and we can all be proud of the work our Nation is doing to fight disease and despair. By standing with the people of Africa in the fight against malaria, we can help lift a burden of unnecessary suffering, provide hope and health, and forge lasting friendships."
-- President George W. Bush in a Malaria Awareness Day Proclamation on April 24, 2007 .

For more about the President's Malaria Initiative check out their webpage.

Relevant material previously on the blog:
Smallpox 2002 (Don't click on this one unless you've got 90 minutes to spare)
Gates foundation
Heroes and Villains
Polio eradication

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