Monday, March 10, 2008

Spanish flu

There have been a few press reports about the last surviving veterans of World War 1 as the numbers dwindle. Worldwide there are now 14 surviving veterans who are aged between 107 and 111. There is also a declining number of people who remember the 1918 flu pandemic and CNN had this interesting report on a 98 year old survivor's recollections in 2005: Witness to 1918 flu: 'Death was there all the time'.

For more information on the 1918 Influenza pandemic you should check out the PBS website for their 'Secrets of the Dead' program on 'Killer Flu':
Where did this particular flu strain come from and what made it so deadly? "Killer Flu" will show how 85 years later, virologists and epidemiologists are still hunting down the answers to those two critical questions.

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